In the realm of overthinking, every letter of the alphabet holds a unique significance. It’s a labyrinth of self-doubt, where every thought is dissected and analyzed to the point of absurdity.

For the overthinker, every word is a minefield of potential meanings, every gesture a hidden message, and every situation a puzzle to be solved. They are masters of the what-if game, endlessly replaying past events and scrutinizing future possibilities.

Overthinking is a form of mental gymnastics, a way of twisting and turning thoughts until they become unrecognizable. It’s a way of avoiding the present moment by getting lost in a maze of hypothetical scenarios.

For the overthinker, there is no such thing as a simple thought. Every idea is a jumping-off point for a never-ending chain of analysis. They are like detectives, constantly searching for clues and piecing together evidence.

But unlike detectives, overthinkers are often unable to reach a conclusion. They get bogged down in the details, unable to see the forest for the trees. They are paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision.

Overthinking is a form of self-torture. It’s a way of keeping ourselves stuck in a cycle of negativity and doubt. It’s a way of preventing ourselves from moving forward.

If you are an overthinker, the first step to breaking free is to recognize the pattern. The next step is to challenge your negative thoughts. And the final step is to take action, even if you’re not sure if it’s the right thing to do.

It’s not easy to overcome overthinking, but it is possible. With time and effort, you can learn to let go of your fears and doubts and live a more fulfilling life.


by Grant Snider of Incidental Comics


