Robotech Academy, a new animated series based on Carl Macek’s last project at Harmony Gold

In 1985, the animated series known as Robotech hit the airwaves in the United States and became an overnight sensation. Combining fast-paced giant robot action with some genuinely mature drama, it was a breath of fresh air for many children who had gotten tired of the usual cartoons on TV at the time. For many fans, it was their first exposure to Japanese anime, and is often credited with starting the anime industry in the US. It spawned over twenty novels, hundreds of comics, video games and dozens of home video releases all over the world.

Carl Macek, the producer of Robotech, was recently working with Harmony Gold on Robotech: Academy. This new series set in the Robotech universe follows several new cadets in their adventures around the universe. We are reaching out to our fans to make this a reality!

Featuring Filipino Art Group: DIGITAL ART CHEFS

via KickStarter


