The Quebec Automobile Insurance Society (SAAQ) has launched a hard-hitting print campaign to remind drivers of the importance of wearing seatbelts. The series of ads features a close-up of a person wearing a red shirt and a red seatbelt. The only text on the ad is the person’s date of birth, which is displayed above the seatbelt buckle, and the phrase “Buckle Up. Stay Alive” below it. The seatbelt itself obscures the year, leaving the viewer to imagine a long life ahead for the person in the ad, but only if they buckle up.

The campaign is a simple but effective reminder that seatbelts save lives. According to the SAAQ, seatbelts are the single most effective way to reduce the risk of death and serious injury in a car crash. In fact, they can reduce the risk of death by up to 45% and the risk of serious injury by up to 60%.

The “Buckle Up. Stay Alive” campaign is a great example of how to use powerful imagery and a clear message to get a point across. The ads are sure to resonate with drivers of all ages and remind them to buckle up every time they get behind the wheel.

The campaign was created by the advertising agency lg2 It was first launched in 2012 and has been running ever since. The ads have been placed in a variety of locations, including bus shelters, rest areas, and bars. They have also been adapted for use online and on social media.

The “Buckle Up. Stay Alive” campaign is a reminder that we all have a role to play in keeping our roads safe. By buckling up every time we get in a car, we can help to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Advertising Agency: Lg2, Quebec, Canada
Creative Direction / Copywriting: Luc Du Sault
Art Direction: Jean Lafrenière
Account Planners: Mireille Côté, Alexandra Laverdière
Account Managers: Alexandra Laverdière
Photographer: Maude DeVarennes
Production: Julie Pichette
Digital Artists: Marc Rivest, David Boivin


