TIER IM RECHT: Wild animals suffer from constantly being touched by tourists.

The posters raised awareness about unnatural human contact with wild animals at major tourist attractions visited by European travelers. The team produced more than 500 real handprints and then selected those that seemed to hold hidden animal shapes.

The Foundation for the Animal in Law TIR sensitizes people already before booking the next trip for the suffering behind many tourist attractions with wild animals – and asks everyone to keep their hands off in the future.

The striking handprints illustrate the traces that humans leave behind during “hands-on encounters” with wild animals. This is because wild animals are not adapted to the human environment; proximity to humans and being touched all the time, therefore, causes them considerable stress – this applies to everything from selfies with baby big cats to horseback rides on elephants and camels to dance performances by tamed bears and hotel shows with hand-tamed parrots.

Moreover, corresponding tourist attractions are not only at the expense of the welfare and dignity of the animals concerned but are not infrequently associated with considerable species conservation problems.

in collaboration with Ruf Lanz


