Powerful Animation ‘Dream’ Urges Biodiversity Protection

The powerful animation “Dream” by Zombie Studio is a stark reminder of the importance of protecting our planet’s incredible biodiversity. Created for the 2016 Wildlife Conservation Film Festival (WCFF), “Dream” is a beautiful yet heartbreaking short film that uses animation to deliver a powerful message.

The story unfolds through a haunting rendition of “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Misérables, sung by endangered animals. The animation opens with a hopeful scene: a majestic blue whale breaching, a playful pelican skimming the water, a mother rhino and her calf running free, and baby harp seals enjoying the snow.

But this idyllic dream is shattered as the video takes a dark turn. Men with guns, clubs, and harpoons invade these animals’ natural habitats, leading to a devastating conclusion.

The haunting song reaches its crescendo as a lonely seal pup sings, “Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.”

Despite being a few years old, “Dream” by Zombie Studio remains a powerful and relevant piece. It serves as a stark reminder that the dream of a world teeming with beautiful creatures is at risk. We, as stewards of this planet, must act to protect endangered species before it’s too late.

This award-winning animation is a must-watch for anyone who cares about the future of our environment.




