TRASH HERO: Gone in 1 Second

The “Gone in 1 Second” campaign by Trash Hero Thailand, crafted in collaboration with the Leo Burnett Group Thailand, was a powerful and creative effort highlighting the urgency of tackling plastic pollution. It aligns perfectly with Trash Hero’s global mission to empower communities to clean up plastic waste and advocate for a cleaner future.


The campaign’s primary objectives were to increase public awareness about plastic pollution, inspire individuals to take action, and support Trash Hero’s broader mission of promoting environmental sustainability.

Impact and Effect

The “Gone in 1 Second” campaign proved to be highly effective in achieving its objectives. The visually striking imagery and concise messaging resonated with audiences, sparking conversations about plastic pollution and its consequences. The campaign garnered significant media attention and public engagement, encouraging individuals to rethink their consumption habits and take action to protect the environment.

A Campaign for Change

The campaign’s success demonstrates the power of effective advertising in driving positive change. By utilizing a visually striking metaphor and a concise message, Trash Hero and the Leo Burnett Group Thailand were able to raise awareness about plastic pollution and inspire individuals to take action. The “Gone in 1 Second” campaign serves as a testament to the potential of advertising to create a lasting impact on society and the environment.


