BASILISA ARMOIRE Cabinet Design by Ito Kish

When Ito Kish was young he remembered how his grandmother Basilisa can easily repair a dining chair withSolihiya weave. He was amazed at how she can create the pattern. He also realized that this weaving is very Filipino and part of his culture which must be appreciated by everyone.


The Basilisa shows the solihiya using rattan – an intricate weave used as a support and as an addition to its aesthetic drama. Each weave showcases a different pattern, but unites through the exquisite play of light, pattern and shadow. It is this chiaroscuro which makes the Basilisa a Filipino beauty to behold.


All the materials used in the Basilisa lounge have been sourced from sustainable materials and means of production: Kiln dried Mahogany is a fast growing hardwood, and both Mahogany and the rattan are farmed and sourced locally in the Philippines. Weaving was done by artisans in small neighborhoods giving them livelihood.


The weave patterns were very important. They looked at different patterns even at fabrics that were familiar to some tribes and even baskets that can be found in the Philippines.


Identifying the weaves that can work together and making sure they find someone who can do the solihiya or weaves was a challenge. The solihiya is part of their everyday life.


by Ito Kish

via A’Design Award & Competition


